CRISTIEmarie has always been passionate about stories, since she can remember. She borrowed book after book from the school library. The teacher said: “Girl, you are gonna be a writer.” From Monteiro Lobato to Érico Veríssimo, later Hermann Hesse, Gabriel García Márquez and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. What unparalleled masters!
Despite the signals, Cristie opted for Computer Science; the fascination for logic and the still greater temptation to achieve early financial independence overcame her. In the area of Exact Sciences Cristie found the environment too arid for her flourishing sensibility and abandoned many personal projects to dedicate herself exclusively to her career. The strong warrior could not live with the fragile artist and, open-heartedly, absorb the frigidity of the concrete jungle. She had to build her wall.
With the passing of time, maturity finally showed her the shades of gray between the black and white. The binary values gave way to the certainty factors. To stop making art was not the solution. Art filtered her soul, renewing and preserving her true self. Art was her wall. Art and career completed each other, because without mathematics she felt empty and without art she felt overwhelmed. The two sides that always divided her, combined, transformed into an exponent of her happiness.
CRISTIEmarie does what she does simply because she can’t stop herself from doing it.